The Bible,
the most
important book
ever written.

A message of vital importance to the world


Financial support for churches, organizations and individuals who teach Bible classes.


Promote the development of teaching materials for Bible teaching.


Support Bible education projects in the Netherlands and worldwide.


The aim of the Stichting Bevordering Bibelonderwijs is to make material and immaterial contributions to Bible education in the Netherlands and abroad.
We want to achieve this by giving financial support to Christian churches, organizations and individuals who are engaged in giving Bible lessons or making materials for them.

SBBO supports these projects

Study Bible

The Centre for Biblical Research in Doorn publishes study Bibles in both print and digital editions. These are scientifically sound editions in which the reader is offered the basic text, an interlinear translation, a comparison of existing translations and a verse-by-verse commentary. In addition, StudieBijbel online uniquely integrates eight reference books in one application!

This project is widely supported and is highly appreciated within Christian Netherlands.
More information:

Biblia de Estudio

The existing material of Study Bible is excellent as basic training for pastors and anyone looking for Bible study in Spanish-speaking areas. Most people in Latin America do not have the opportunity to attend a university or Bible school.

SBBO supports the development of this program and the translation of Study Bible into Spanish. In the spring of 2016-together with the website-Biblia de Estudio came online. Twelve books of the Study Bible New Testament series are included. Currently, work is underway on the translation of 5000 Greek word studies (or 5 volumes). Because Biblia de Estudio is made available free of charge, financial support remains necessary.

More information:

Bible education in India and Pakistan

Village pastors and all Christians in India urgently need sound Bible education. On social media and on TV you can hear many opinions that are often not biblically based. Dr. Job Sudarshan of Yesupadam society is committed to providing responsible Bible education. In 2023, a Bible course was held in four places for a total of 135 evangelists and pastors. Classes were once a month for eight months.

In Pakistan, blasphemy is punishable by death. Although this sentence has never been carried out, numerous accused people have been murdered by frenzied mobs. In 2023, there was another attack on Christians in Jaranwala, Faisalabad following a rumour that three Christians were said to have torn pages from the Quran. The attack lasted more than 10 hours without police intervention, although they were on the scene. All 26 churches in the Jaranwala region have been attacked, burned or damaged. For all these churches, we were able to replace the Bibles that have been lost through Potohar Fellowship.


The SBBO is officially recognized as a charity. Your donations are tax deductible.
Would you like to support via the SBBO? Then make your gift over to:

Stichting Bevordering Bijbel Onderwijs te Veenendaal
NL82 RABO 0377 0937 42

Also on behalf of the organizations and persons connected to us, thank you very much.
Policy, governance and activities
You can view the policy and finances of the foundation in these documents.
However, we would like-as in previous years - to give preference to a personal and individual approach to beneficiaries.